Wycliffe, Inc.

Welcome to the Wycliffe, Inc. official web site.

Wycliffe, Inc. was a nonprofit corporation registered in the state of Hawaii, in the United States of America.

John Wycliffe is notable in the history of Bible translation in that he believed that sound doctrine should come from Scripture, rather than men's opinions. To that end, he initiated the first translation of the Holy Bible into English. That translation, completed in 1382 A.D., was the first of many. We know that the Holy Bible is truly God's Word. The life-transforming power of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is made available through the Holy Bible. We believe that everyone, not just those who speak the original languages of Scripture or those who speak the majority languages of the world, should have access to God's Word. We seek to make God's Word available in the languages people understand best and in the formats (audio, electronic text, and print) that reach people.

Scripture availability has to do with economics, distribution logistics, technology, and copyrights. We salute those who make the text and audio recordings of the Holy Bible freely available in many languages for people to copy, share, publish, read, listen to, quote, preach, and believe!

For copyright permissions regarding Scriptures with copyright notices listing "Wycliffe, Inc." as the copyright holder, first see if the permission you require is already posted on one of the sites listed. If not, there should be relevant contact information for your request. Any work whose copyright is genuinely owned by Wycliffe, Inc. (not marked in error) is available under a CC-BY-SA license 4.0.

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